any work begins all necessary materials and supplies should be
brought into the work area. The work area should be roped off
and warning signs posted. (Barrier tape with a pre-printed
asbestos warning sign works well for this purpose).
starting any removal work, inspect the insulation material along the
entire length of the pipe to be stripped. If it is damaged,
clean the pipe work and surrounding surfaces using a Type H vacuum
cleaner and seal the damaged areas with tape or cover them with a
'cut and wrap skin'. (remember that when doing ASBE
Glovebag work that loose
pipe lagging several feet away may be disturbed, so the environment
outside of the Glovebag should always be carefully monitored.)
Glovebags cannot be used
on pipes over 50° C.
If possible, always isolate the heating and ventilation equipment in
the working area.
one layer of PCL Cloth tape around the pipe at each location the
glovebag will be attached.
respiratory protective equipment (RPE) and overalls in accordance
with the employers assessment of exposure and check face fit.
the water sprayer with water/PVA and obtain pressure.
the tools required
(these will usually include a hammer, Asbesaw,
retractable utility knife, wire wool, rags and wire cutters) through
the shoulder inlet and insert into the ASBE
Glovebag tool pouch.
the ASBE Glovebag
opening around the pipe work and tack in place with self adhesive
strips. Complete the top seal with PCL Cloth tape.
the ends of the chamber by strapping and taping around the recessed
collar to the taped area on the pipe.
a sheet of 1000 gauge polythene on the floor underneath the ASBE
Glovebag and locate a
bucket of water and sponge close by for final clear up operations.
the vacuum and water wand entry sleeves outside the chamber
wall. Cut the ends and insert the spray nozzle and vacuum
regulator. Slit the ends off the make-up air socks and turn
them inward to the bag. Attach your HEPA vacuum to the
regulator and turn it on. Adjust the air flow so that the bag
does not collapse while moving the air through it. Test the
air flow in the bag with a smoke test ampule. HEPA VACUUM MUST
the water spray at the insulation material and shoulders
of the ASBE Glovebag
to reduce the emission of fibres.
the Asbesaw to cut the insulation at each end of the section
to be removed inside the ASBE
Glovebag. Throughout
this process water should be sprayed onto the cutting edge to keep
dust release to a minimum.
the ends are cut, removal work can commence. Some sectional
insulation may be slit from end to end
using the utility knife along the bottom of the pipe. Some
insulation may have wires to be clipped. Other sections may
need to be chipped away using a hammer and this again should be done
from the bottom of the pipe. The the insulation can be lifted
off the pipe and placed into the bottom of the bag.
the lagging with water at frequent intervals - on the pipe work and
at the bottom of the ASBE
Glovebag and wash down the
walls of the ASBE Glovebag
to maintain visibility.
the insulation material has been stripped from the pipe, spray clean
the tools and place them back in the tool pouch. Then, using
wire wool, rags and water, scrub and wipe down the exposed pipe
inside the ASBE Glovebag.
the section of pipe is clean and asbestos-free thoroughly spray the
side walls and contents of the ASBE
Glovebag with amended
water and dampen the exposed ends of the insulation remaining of the
pipe work (which can be painted with an encapsulation membrane).
the stripping operations have been fully completed and the bag and
tools thoroughly washed down, remove the water spray nozzle form the
water hose inlet and seal with duct tape.
all tools in one gloved hand and pull hand and glove out inverting
the glove which will now contain the tools inside. Twist the
glove to create a separate pouch and double tape or wire tie the
glove to seal. Cut between the two separate pieces of tape or
wire ties and place the new glove pouch into the next ASBE
Glovebag or into the
bucket of water. Open glove tool pouch under water, clean
tools and then allow to dry.
the containment area and tape its neck.
a 500 gauge asbestos waste disposal sack onto the ASBE
Glovebag (still attached
to the pipe). Remove the tape on the top of the ASBE
Glovebag, enabling
it to fall gently into the waste disposal sack.
overalls and place these into the asbestos waste disposal sack and
then twist the top of the sack and seal with wire ties.
up the work area. Then, using a damp rag, wipe the exterior of
the respirator and leave the work area. Remove the respirator.
containing material must be disposed of at an approved
landfill site in accordance with the waste regulations.
the area has met the criteria for re-entry by unprotected personnel,
the barriers may be removed and re-insulation completed.