Material Data Safety Sheet


Product Name Mini Mist / Micro Mist Smoke Fluid Canisters
Chemical Proprietary Mix
Physiological Data This product is not listed as a dangerous substance in the EEC directive that deals with packaging and labelling of dangerous substances
Flash Point Non Indicated by The Merck Index (ninth edition)
Boiling Point 1013 mbar - 236 Celsius
Irritant Effects Nil for eyes and skin
Toxic Data LD50 oral for rats 13.3g/Kg (very low)

This product has no acute inhalation hazard

COSHH indicate that there is no short term exposure limit associated with this product

Technical protective measures (bulk barrels) in line with all chemical products, ensure good room ventilation and do not leave containers open
First Aid If swallowed it is very unlikely that harm will result.  Wash eyes with plenty of clean water.  In the unlikely event irritation should occur, seek medical advice.  Wash contaminated clothing with ordinary soap and water
Industrial Hygiene The usual safety precautions relating to chemicals should be observed
Disposal Can be burned in incinerators with household refuse
After Spillage Take up with absorbent material and dispose of according to instructions
Storage Store containers in  a cool place.  Keep apart from oxidising materials
Handling No special handling precautions are required but it is good practice to wear rubber gloves.  As with all chemicals, eyewash with clean water should be readily available
Road Accidents Observe the usual precautions.  Stop the engine.  Notify the police and fire brigade.  Warn other road users and keep away from  the area.  Its presence on the road surface may increase the tendency to skid.  Transfer as much as possible to other containers and flush away any residue with plenty of water
Transport This product is not regarded as hazardous for transport

This information has been prepared from the best sources of knowledge available to us and we cannot be held liable for any inaccuracy or any insufficiency in this information whatsoever